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Chemical Peels



Get back a new vibrant skin!


Glycopeel® is a peeling with variations of PH, acting specifically on skin ageing and imperfections. Your skin will gradually shed the old hard layers of skin cells as the connective tissue is stimulated, combating ageing of the skin.


It removes the dead superficial skin cells in way. You will hardly experience any discomfort, and will only see your radiant skin as result.


Although good results are achieved with pigmentation, as it reduces the synthesis of melanin, unfortunately pigmentation tends to come back with exposure to the sun.  



Best results are achieved by a series of six Chemical Peels of different strengths in succession. The strength of each successive peel will be determined in consultation with Dr Pretorius. The Peel strength is chosen according to your individual skin reaction, in order to keep the peeling process safe.


To get the ultimate result, the following packages are recommended, including a pre-operative cleansing facial, six Chemical peeling sessions each performed one week apart, a skin renewal mesotherapy treatment and a post-operative moisturizing facial. 

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